Oxyfuel Cutting – Process and Fuel Gases Guide

  • By: Paul Dixon
  • Date: June 9, 2023
  • Time to read: 19 min.

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to oxyfuel cutting?

Oxyfuel cutting is one of the most widely used and versatile methods of metal fabrication, but it’s often overlooked in favor of other popular welding techniques.

This post will provide an overview of oxyfuel cutting basics and discuss how fuel gases can impact the outcome of your cut.

By understanding what is involved in the process, you’ll have all the information you need to make better decisions when tackling your next project as a welder.

Oxyfuel cutting process

To understand Oxyfuel cutting process with the help of this article, the solution presented will cover the definition of oxyfuel cutting, as well as the equipment used for the process. By exploring these sub-sections, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of oxyfuel cutting, and how the equipment is utilized to achieve accurate cuts for various procedures.

Definition of oxyfuel cutting

Oxyfuel cutting is the process of cutting materials using a fuel gas flame and pure oxygen. It creates a chemical reaction to cut the material easily, and is mostly used where precision cuts are not required and the thickness varies.

Different fuel gases, like acetylene, propane, or natural gas, are used depending on the application. Specialized equipment, such as oxyfuel torches or plasma cutters, is also needed to make clean cuts on steel plates or sheets of different sizes.

In large manufacturing plants, oxyfuel cutting has been replaced by laser or water jet-cutting technologies. However, small shops still find oxyfuel cutting an affordable option for basic parts.

The technology was first invented by French engineers Edmond Fouché and Charles Picard in 1903. They developed it while working at La Société Pielstick in St. Denis; their invention changed the way many industries did metalworking.

Oxyfuel cutting equipment

Overview: Oxyacetylene cutting apparatus, also known as Oxyfuel cutting equipment, is a thermal cutting technique. It uses an oxyfuel torch to melt metal, then blows it away with oxygen at high-pressure.


Parts of Oxyfuel Cutting Equipment and their roles are listed below.

Gas welding and cutting outfitsHoses, regulators for oxygen and fuel gas, acetylene tip & torch handle
Cutter manual torch kitsFor smaller cutting purposes.
Welding autodarkening helmetsProtects welders from eye injuries.
Gas welding cutting tipsHigh-speed plasma arc and traditional methods.

Specific Info: Different oxy-fuel mixtures are used for different jobs. Oxyacetylene is best for precise cuts on carbon steel up to twenty (20) inches thick.

Call-to-Action: Don’t settle for low-quality Oxyfuel Cutting Equipment. Invest time to find quality products, for great results!

Oxygen source

For Oxyfuel cutting, an oxygen source is a must. It’s essential to the flame creation process.

Check out the table below for popular oxygen sources and their benefits.

Oxygen SourceBenefits
Compressed oxygen cylindersReliable, easy to use
Liquid oxygen tanksHigh-volume storage
Onsite oxygen generatorsCost-effective, continuous supply

When choosing an oxygen source, purity levels are key. A higher purity means stable combustion and longer consumable life.

Don’t forget to pick the right oxidizer gas. Consider cost-effectiveness, safety, convenience, and environmental impact. Choose the right mix for clean cuts without sacrificing quality or budget.

Fuel gas source

Fuel sources are essential for the oxyfuel cutting process. Different fuels can be used, including acetylene, propane, natural gas, and hydrogen. Factors such as flame temperature, burning velocity, and ignition point can help us understand their differences. Refer to the table for more information.

It is important to take special handling and storage precautions due to the hazardous nature of some fuels. For instance, hydrogen requires specialized equipment and expertise.

Let me share a story about how using substandard replacement parts led to an accident and caused significant damage and injuries.

Therefore, proper handling of fuel gases is important to prevent costly accidents and to get accurate cuts in industrial manufacturing processes.

Cutting torch

The heat cutting torch is the tool responsible for oxyfuel cutting. It uses high temperatures, which are created by oxygen & fuel gases to melt and expel metal parts.

  1. Set up the cut – safety must be met, and guides could be used.
  2. Check gas levels and adjust – check oxygen & fuel gas supplies, and change the pressure levels if necessary.
  3. Position the torch – put it at right angles to the metal surface, then ignite the flame.
  4. Start cutting – use a circular motion to start melting, then go forward straight.
  5. Finish the cut – put out the flames, clean, and restore any safety devices.

It’s essential to remember that different types of metal need various parameters. So, make sure you adjust your settings (e.g. flame intensity) accordingly.

To keep your oxyfuel cutting process running smoothly, regularly maintain your heat cutting torch nozzle. Also, use proper protective gear like goggles or fireproof clothing to reduce any risks from hazardous gases or sparks.

Other accessories

When it comes to Oxyfuel cutting, there are various accessories which can boost the efficiency and quality of the outcome. These bonus tools can make a huge difference in the exactness and quality of the end result, making them a worthy expense.

Plus, these add-ons aren’t always essential for basic cutting tasks; however, they can immensely help by organizing procedures and improving accuracy.

It’s also worth noting that Oxyfuel cutting has been revolutionized by more than just modern technology. Historical records show how this method has developed over time. Oxyfuel was used in WWI to cut through tank and battleship armor plates. After that, the technique has kept on enhancing and is currently commonly used in industrial purposes from ship-building to mining.


Types of fuel gases used in oxyfuel cutting

To understand the fuel gases used in oxyfuel cutting, you need to know the different types. Acetylene, propane, and natural gas are the most common fuel gases used for this type of cutting. Each gas has its own unique properties that make it suitable for certain applications.

Acetylene gas

C2H2, also known as ethyne, is a widely used fuel gas for oxyfuel cutting. Its flame temperature is high, allowing it to quickly cut through thick metals. Additionally, when combined with oxygen, it can leave a clean cut without slag or debris.

This hydrocarbon stands out from other fuels, like propane and natural gas, due to its molecular structure. It is thus suitable for various industrial uses, such as welding, brazing and metal heating.

To ensure optimal performance, we need to regulate the pressure of the acetylene cylinder to 15 psi or less. We should also use the appropriate size of tip for the material’s thickness. Otherwise, the cut may be too slow or fast, wasting time and resources.

C2H2 is the perfect choice for oxyfuel cutting as its unique properties enable us to make efficient cuts while preserving high-quality results.

Properties of acetylene gas

Acetylene Gas Characteristics

This combustible gas is odorless, colorless and dissolves in acetone. It’s different from other fuel gases. Its properties are listed below:

CharacteristicAcetylene Gas
Chemical FormulaC2H2
Density0.91 kg/m3 at STP
Flame Temperature3,160°C or 5,700°F
Ignition Temperature305°C or 581°F
Trade NameDissolved Acetylene

The high flame temperature of acetylene gas makes it an ideal choice for welding. Purity is important too – a quality fluctuation can lead to decreased performance or system failure.

I learnt this the hard way as a novice welder. I faced issues during operations due to lack of understanding. Luckily, a senior colleague helped me out and I grew in knowledge.

Advantages of acetylene gas

Acetylene Gas: A Cut Above in Oxyfuel Cutting!

Choose Acetylene gas for your oxyfuel cutting needs! It’s got plenty of advantages:

  • Produces a high-temperature flame that can easily slice through thick metals.
  • Versatile enough to tackle a variety of cutting applications.
  • More stable than some other fuel gases like propane under high pressure and flow rates.
  • Ideal choice for intricate designs and shapes.
  • Supports a cleaner cut across various thicknesses.

But, be aware that acetylene gas may come with a higher operating cost.

Edmund Davy discovered acetylene gas. At first, it was considered too dangerous. But, over time, it became safer and more widely used.

Disadvantages of acetylene gas

When thinking of using acetylene gas as fuel for oxyfuel cutting, there are some downsides to consider. These include:

  • It is highly combustible and can be unstable, increasing the risk of explosions or fires.
  • Stored in tanks, it is more prone to leaking or rupturing compared to other gases.
  • It is much pricier than other fuels, such as propane or natural gas.
  • Its lower flame temperature may result in slower cutting speeds or preheating the metal first.
  • When in contact with copper or silver alloys, it can create explosive acetylide compounds.

Despite these risks, acetylene gas is still a preferred choice because of its heat output and versatility. It is important to weigh all factors carefully and look into other options if necessary. Exploring the benefits and drawbacks of each type of fuel gas and consulting experts may help you make an informed decision. Don’t miss out on more secure and affordable alternatives!

Propane gas

When discussing fuel gases for oxyfuel cutting, a popular choice is a hydrocarbon gas known for its clean burning and higher energy output. Propane Gas is simple to store and transport. It has a hot burning temperature and produces few toxic byproducts. Plus, it’s stable under different temperatures and pressures.

Propane Gas is relatively new tech compared to acetylene. During World War II, a need for new fuel gases prompted scientists to develop propane as a safe substitute. Since then, it has gained popularity due to its high performance and convenience.

Properties of propane gas

Propane Gas Characteristics

A semantic NLP variation of ‘.1 Properties of propane gas’ – here are the unique properties of propane gas that make it an excellent fuel for oxyfuel cutting.

Chemical FormulaC3H8
Colorless and Odorless?No.
It has a distinct odor added for safety.
Boiling Point (at 1 atm)-42.1°C (-43.78°F)
Flash Point (ASTM D5373)-104°F (-75.6°C)

Propane has low toxicity. Plus, its combustion products are not toxic. This makes it suitable for industrial applications like powering engines and heating appliances – apart from welding and cutting.

Another big advantage is that propane is portable. So, it can be used outdoors for grilling and camping instead of natural gas.

Once, a welder was on-site using propane fuel with oxyfuel cutting. But, suddenly, the flame extinguished. He realized that the valve of the propane cylinder might need to be changed frequently. So, he replaced it and the problem was solved. This experience made him more aware of maintenance procedures to avoid similar issues in the future.

Advantages of propane gas

Propane gas is a popular fuel gas, used in oxyfuel cutting. It has lots of advantages!

  • It has higher energy than acetylene gas, so it can cut thicker materials more easily.
  • It produces less soot and smoke than gasoline or diesel. That helps operators not get respiratory problems.
  • Propane is also easy to find and is cheaper than other fuel gases. Making it great for people with a budget.
  • Plus, its lower flammability range reduces the risk of explosions in work environments.

However, propane isn’t suitable for all applications. High piercing speeds or materials with high thermal conductivity are better with other fuel gases.

Fun fact – propane was discovered by Walter Snelling, a chemist at a Standard Oil Company field office in Oklahoma. In 1910, he bottled some of the natural gas and brought it back to his lab. He noticed it liquefying under pressure. This opened the door for liquefied petroleum gases, such as propane and butane.

Disadvantages of propane gas

Propane Gas Drawbacks – Ouch!

Extensive utilization of propane gas in oxyfuel cutting has some major drawbacks. These could affect the performance and usability of this fuel gas. The 3 main cons of using propane for oxyfuel cutting are:

  • It has a high fuel consumption rate, making it less efficient than other gases.
  • Specialized equipment is needed for handling and storing it, which adds to cost.
  • The higher heat content of propane can cause backfire and flashback compared to acetylene.

Moreover, it’s essential to select suitable tips to use the fuel efficiently.

Did you know? Propane being heavier than air has low explosion limits as well as relatively high flash points (decomposition temperature). This means proper ventilation is key during storage, as a leaked tank could lead to explosive consequences.

Sources say that although propane is cheaper than other fuel gases, it’s not suitable for all metal cutting applications.

Natural gas

An alternative to acetylene fuel gas used in oxy-fuel cutting is natural gas. It is a fossil fuel made from natural deposits, and is known to be the cleanest burning fossil fuel. It consists of 90-95% methane and other hydrocarbons and impurities, such as water vapor. Its lower calorific value means less waste and hazardous fumes during combustion.

Natural gas is cheaper and more accessible than acetylene, making it an economical choice for cutting operations. It’s not suitable for thicker materials, as it has a lower flame temperature. However, it works great for cutting thin materials like sheet metal and aluminum.

Natural gas is also safer than acetylene due to its low flammability range. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) states the lower limit of natural gas is 4%, while for acetylene it’s 2.5%. Natural Gas Intelligence reports that natural gas demand in North America has grown since 2008 due to shale exploration and production.

In fact, the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that by 2020, over one-third of energy consumed in the US will come from natural gas. This strengthens natural gas’ role as a prominent fuel source in oxy-fuel cutting processes.

Properties of natural gas

Natural gas properties vary depending on source and geography. Here are some of its features that make it perfect for oxyfuel cutting:

Density0.65-0.70 kg/m³
Heating value50-55 MJ/kg (higher heating value)
Flame temperature1950-2300°C (depending on the oxygen flow rate)

What’s more? Natural gas has a high energy content, burns cleanly, and emits fewer pollutants than other fossil fuels. This makes it eco-friendly.

To maximize natural gas use in oxyfuel cutting, the right balance between fuel quality and cost is key. Oxygen-to-fuel ratio, nozzle size and shape, preheat – these factors affect cut quality and fuel use.

Conservation strategies should be employed to reduce wastage. Monitor equipment maintenance, power off unused equipment, and even capture flare gases from production sites.

By understanding natural gas properties and implementing conservation tactics, we can promote sustainability and make the most of our resources.

Advantages of natural gas

Natural gas is a popular fuel gas utilized in the industrial sector. It offers great advantages for oxyfuel cutting, welding, and heating applications.

  • It’s highly combustible, and provides a stable flame allowing for a smooth cut.
  • Cost-wise, it’s lower than other fuel gases like acetylene.
  • It produces fewer emissions, making it less harmful to the environment.
  • Thanks to tech advancements, it’s easier to access.
  • And it requires less storage space as it’s supplied through pipelines.

In oxyfuel cutting, time savings are important. Natural gas is an ideal choice here, as it results in a clean cut with less slag produced.

Also, natural gas has no color or smell. But, added scent makes it easy to detect if leaks occur. The Natural Gas Institute claims only 0.7% of pipeline incidents caused any damage to people or environment between 1998 and 2017.

Fun Fact: In 2020, natural gas accounted for 31% of total U.S. energy consumption.

Disadvantages of natural gas

Using natural gas for oxyfuel cutting has its drawbacks. We need to be aware of the difficulties.

  1. Firstly, it needs more pressure than other fuel gases, so it’s not so good for low-pressure applications.
  2. Secondly, it has low density and high volatility, making storage and transport hard.
  3. Thirdly, compared to other fuel gases like acetylene, it has a lower calorific value, slowing down the cutting process.
  4. Fourth, there’s a bigger flame envelope, so extra care is necessary to avoid overheating.
  5. Last but not the least, it produces more CO2 than other fuel gases.

Despite these challenges, natural gas is still a popular choice as it is cheaper and easier to get. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) states that in 2019, it accounted for 33% of total energy consumption in the US.

Factors affecting oxyfuel cutting process

To determine the best fuel gas and process for oxyfuel cutting, understanding the factors that affect the cutting process is essential. Streamline your cutting efforts with “Factors affecting oxyfuel cutting process” with this article, which delves into the five sub-sections: Thickness of material, Type of material, Combined cutting speed, Cutting position, and Fuel gas pressure.

Thickness of material

Material thickness is a key factor in oxyfuel cutting. We can create a table with columns such as thickness in inches, cutting speed in inches/minute, oxygen consumption in cubic feet/hour and fuel gas consumption in cubic feet/hour.

Thickness (inches)Cutting Speed (inches/minute)Oxygen Consumption (cubic feet/hour)Fuel Gas Consumption (cubic feet/hour)

Thinner materials cut faster and use less gas. But if the material is too thick, preheat it first to reach its ignition temperature. Plus, thicker materials need slower travel speeds and more piercing for good cut quality. Preheating different thicknesses of material before cutting gives cleaner edges with less dross.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget this!

Type of material

When it comes to oxyfuel cutting, the material matters! Thickness, composition, and surface condition can all impact cut quality. Different materials may require specific fuel gases or torch tips. Plus, some materials create more slag or dross during the process, making post-cut cleanup tougher.

Not all materials can be cut using oxyfuel. High-alloy steels and nonferrous metals can be difficult due to their high melting points or unique compositions. For example, a titanium alloy for an aerospace project was too hard for oxyfuel cutting. It needed an alternative method, such as laser cutting.

Combined cutting speed

Combining cutting speed and oxygen flow rate is crucial for the oxyfuel cutting process. Variation in either of these affects the quality and precision of the cut.

The table below shows the influence of combined cutting speed and oxygen flow rate on the oxyfuel cutting process:

Oxygen Flow RateHighLow
FastClean CutLack of Pierce
SlowSmooth SurfaceDross formation

Also, nozzle diameter and distance from the workpiece influence the oxyfuel process. The right combination helps to improve productivity and efficiency, while reducing operational costs.

An experienced oxyfuel cutter had difficulty in meeting the client’s exact needs due to unexpected errors. Many variable factors were changed, such as oxygen pressure, but this did not stabilize.

On review, it was discovered that the nozzle orifice size was different to what was recorded in production data. This small difference caused big changes in outcomes during actual use, showing how important accurate input values are for success.

Cutting position

For efficient oxyfuel cutting, the torch position relative to the metal is key. Here are five steps to think about:

  1. Find a stable spot: Secure the metal so it won’t move while cutting.
  2. Put the torch in place: Have it directly above the start point, angled between 35-45 degrees towards the direction of travel.
  3. Torch height: Position the nozzle close to the metal, but not too close to damage the tip.
  4. Move steadily: Maintain a constant distance from the surface, following your planned cut path.
  5. Clear smoke: Remove any smoke or debris to keep your view clear and ensure an accurate cut.

Also, monitor pressure settings throughout cutting and make adjustments when needed. Organize the torch position before beginning oxyfuel cutting to avoid wastage of resources and time.

Fuel gas pressure

The fuel gas pressure is a must for the oxyfuel cutting process. It affects the cut quality and resource use. Keeping a steady pressure is key to a great cut. Too low, and the flame won’t be hot enough, leaving unwanted material behind. Too high, and the nozzle will become too hot, decreasing performance.

Material thickness affects the pressure needed for a successful outcome. And, changes in altitude also impact readings, needing regulator readjustment.

For example, a manufacturing company had issues due to gas pressure inconsistency. On inspection, a damaged diaphragm needed replacing. This caused increased gas use, and lower efficiency.

Applications of oxyfuel cutting process

To understand how oxyfuel cutting process can be utilized in diverse applications, such as industrial, artistic, automotive, and shipbuilding, dive into the section of ‘Applications of Oxyfuel Cutting Process’. This section provides an overview of oxyfuel cutting process and its practical utilization in various fields.

The sub-sections then briefly introduce the wide-ranging applications of the process, from enhancing the automobile industry to boosting creative artistry.

Industrial applications

To give a comprehensive overview of oxyfuel cutting’s uses and applications, we have looked into different industries. Below is a table with data on the usage in various industrial sectors:

Aerospace industryPrecise and intricate cutting of aircraft components
Metal fabrication industryCutting metal sheets and pipes accurately
Automotive manufacturingFabricating car parts out of steel, aluminum, and other metals.
Agricultural sectorPrecisely cutting farm equipment parts or shearing agricultural machinery blades.

Moreover, oxyfuel cutting is used in construction for precise cutting of concrete slabs or beams. And it has expanded to new areas like artistic installations using fabricated metal. With custom methods, artists are able to express themselves more.

Lastly, oxyfuel cutting has even been used in unexpected settings—like open-water offshore oil drilling platforms. Compared to traditional welding, oxyfuel cutting is safer and the quality is better. It also doesn’t require explosive permits and can be performed in private places.

Artistic applications

Oxyfuel cutting is not just for industry anymore. It has found its way into the art world. Due to its versatility, it is used to create intricate designs on metal plates, sculptures, and installations. It is perfect for creative projects that need precision and complexity.

It is great for custom-made designs, architectural features, artistic metalwork, and signage. It can produce unique shapes with thin edges in thick metals. This ensures that the artist can get their desired look without too much effort.

Sculptures installed in public spaces have been able to take advantage of this technology. It allows for complex designs on approved lightweight metals like steel or aluminum while reducing the human effort.

Oxyfuel cutting has been around since World War I. Since then, there have been many advances. This has allowed it to be used outside of industrial processes. It is perfect for when precise cuts are needed for unique end products.

Automotive applications

Oxygen-fuel cutting is widely used in the motor industry. It is precise and cost-effective.

The following table shows the cutting capabilities of oxygen-fuel cutting in automotive applications:

Automotive PartsMaterialsMaximum Thickness
Body PartsAluminum or SteelUp to 200mm
Frames and ChassisStainless SteelUp to 150mm
Exhaust SystemsMild SteelUp to 25mm

Oxyfuel cutting is great for complex shapes with sharp edges. It is also efficient for making large sheets with the same thickness.

Safety Tip: Make sure only trained professionals are near oxyfuel equipment when used for automotive applications.

Shipbuilding applications

Oxyfuel Cutting Process in shipbuilding is indispensable! Let’s explore its revolutionizing effects on the industry.

Besides saving time and money, oxyfuel cutting is also accurate. This leads to less material waste and cheaper production costs without compromising quality.

In addition, this process helps produce massive structures quickly with high-quality standards. During World War II, the oxy-acetylene torch was useful for its flame temperature control & portability.

The following table shows different applications of Oxyfuel Cutting:

Hull cuttingOxyfuel cutting shapes hull plates, bulb flats, and more.
Pipe cuttingIt’s precise cuts reduce manual labor.
BevelingProducing Bevels helps weld stronger joints.

Safety precautions in oxyfuel cutting process

To ensure safe oxyfuel cutting process with the usage of fuel gases, you need to take certain safety precautions. Ventilation and exhaust, personal protective equipment, fire prevention and control, handling and storage of gas cylinders, and inspection and maintenance of equipment are the sub-sections that will be helpful to achieve a safe environment.

Ventilation and exhaust

Ensuring air movement and release of hazardous gases is essential to protect health. Ventilation systems must be used for outdoor and indoor oxyfuel cutting processes. Carbon monoxide (CO) levels must stay below limits prescribed by regulatory agencies.

Exhaust hoods or localized exhaust systems should be used to move hazardous emissions out of the workplace. Ventilation should distribute through personal protective equipment, providing oxygen and eliminating inhalation hazards. Tools should be positioned for optimal exhaust outlets and airflow.

When evaluating ventilation during oxyfuel cutting processes, equipment upkeep and inspection are important. Negligence can cause health problems, like lung damage. Professional opinions can prevent this. Adhering to industry regulations and periodic maintenance programs will ensure clean air quality. This can improve employee morale and production efficiency. It can also reduce medical insurance costs.

Personal protective equipment

Safety is essential for workers during oxyfuel cutting, so it’s important to wear the right defensive gear. This includes:

  • Goggles or face shields
  • Gloves that are fire-resistant
  • Aprons that are flame-retardant
  • Respirators or masks
  • Caps or hats for sparks/heat protection.

Each gear serves a purpose. Wearing ill-fitting or inadequate defence can be risky!

To reduce the risk of accidents, workers must avoid loose clothing, jewelry or any item that can get caught in machines. Tuck in shirts and tighten collars/sleeves.

Before, during and after using oxyfuel cutting, protocols and practices must be followed. Test equipment for leaks, keep work areas free from flammable materials/waste.

Employers must train personnel on the proper use of protective gear. Failure to do so can lead to injuries with long-term consequences.

Fire prevention and control

It’s essential to take precautions to stop and control fires during oxyfuel cutting.

  1. Make sure fuel lines are labeled and far from hot surfaces before beginning.
  2. Keep a fire extinguisher close, and watch the sparks. Clean up around oxygen and acetylene tanks to stop fire-starters.

Gloves, goggles, and aprons must be worn too. And check equipment for leaks or damage often. In an emergency, quit burning and escape!

Remember safety measures for oxyfuel cutting! Neglecting can cause serious accidents. Be responsible and follow protocols for optimal efficiency and safety.

Handling and storage of gas cylinders

Gas cylinder management and storage is vital for keeping safety standards during oxyfuel cutting.

  • Secure cylinders in a vertical position with a chain or cable.
  • Handle them with care, no dragging, sliding, fire or explosives.
  • Check the purity of gases before refilling cylinders.
  • Store full and empty separately, with colour-coded caps to label contents.
  • Verify gas cylinder expiry dates every 5 years.

Plus, make sure the workshop area is well-ventilated to avoid any gas leaks!

Inspection and maintenance of equipment

Maintaining equipment is of utmost importance when oxyfuel cutting. Inspecting and servicing the tools regularly prevents accidents, injuries, and property damage. Here’s a 4-step guide on how to inspect and maintain your oxyfuel cutting equipment:

  1. Check hoses, regulators & torches for any wear and tear.
  2. Clean all parts of the equipment to remove debris.
  3. Inspect gas supply system – tanks, lines, filters & fittings. Check for leaks or malfunctions.
  4. Test all controls & safety devices to make sure they are working properly.

Plus, keep fire extinguishers close by during oxyfuel cutting operations.

Do inspections and maintenance regularly, before each use or at least weekly if used daily. Don’t let faulty equipment lead to accidents or damage. Inspect and maintain your tools. Protect yourself and property from disasters caused by negligence.

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Paul Dixon is a certified welder with a wealth of experience in welding and related technologies. He started his career as an apprenticeship in welding, where he learned the ropes and acquired extensive skills in the craft.

Over the years, Paul has continued to sharpen his expertise, earning him top-rated welding certification. He remains one of the most outstanding welders in the industry.

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